Hey again ;)
Folks have lives, so sadly, not every interesting piece of information is getting held up somewhere, but as this one is of utmost importance, here you go (in a short form, please refer to the citations for more information).
This study is from November 2021.
It states:
The beneficial effect of vaccination is often determined by measuring Ab responses to the spike protein
(the computer generated m1ψ spike?)
Then it states, that
the results demonstrated an induction of circulating exosomes carrying the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by day 14, when Abs to the spike protein were not detectable in the sera using an ELISA method developed in our laboratory.
Here is your shedding:
Circulating Abs were detectable only after the second booster dose of vaccine (days 14), and the amount of exosomes containing spike protein was increased up to ∼12-fold maximum.
now the children’s joke
This is further supported by our finding that immunization of mice with exosomes from the vaccinated individual with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein resulted in the development of Abs specific to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
This means that the pfizer group is
1 - not developing any antibodies for the first 14 days after the 1st vaxx, BUT they are already shedding relevant exosomes
2 - after the second dose, they are shedding 12 times as much exosomes as before and are creating antibodies,
3 - mice (why not people?) getting a dose of the shedded cocktail are also developing antibodies to the vaccine spike.
Three groups of animals were immunized with the exosomes won from the plasma of healthy, pfizer vaxxed individuals on days 7 and 14 after the first dose, and day 14 after the 2nd dose, without any adjuvants with 100 μg on days 1, 7, and 21…
Animals were sacrificed at day 30, blood was collected for ELISA, and spleens were harvested for T cell responses.
What are exosomes?
extracellular vesicles that are released from cells upon fusion of an intermediate endocytic compartment, the multivesicular body (MVB), with the plasma membrane
The science is very much interested in them, cause
1 - they provide a means of intercellular communication, even transmission of macromolecules
2 - they can spread proteins, lipids, mRNA, miRNA and DNA
3 - contributing factors in the development of several diseases
4 - useful vectors for drug delivery, because they are composed of cell membranes, rather than synthetic polymers, and as such are better tolerated by the host.
In fact, some of the earliest exosome research indicated that they can carry the MHC–peptide complexes that are recognized by T lymphocytes [4] and that secretion of such exosomes could promote antitumour immune responses in mice in vivo [5].
“promote antitumor immune response” ==
== “regulate antitumor response” ==
=? “decrease antitumor response”
Exosome therapies are now being explored in anti-cancer clinical trials and recent reports claim taxol-filled exosomes can be used to treat cancers in mice at 50-fold lower doses than conventional treatments, with the additional benefit that exosomes do not invoke an immune response.
(or do they? suppose it depends on the load and the immune answer of an individual)
Where does this leave us?
Not only are the affected immune responses inherited by the offspring,
we have now effectively the first ever self-spreading vaccine (gene therapy, at least for the first generation vaxxed),
even folks who resisted the urge to get socialized by a syringe and never have contracted a slightest bit of the SARS-COV2 virus, do develop antibodies to the “vaccine” spike, just by sharing space with the vaxxed.
Is this a good/bad thing?
Suppose the dose makes all the difference, but for all you folks working indoors with vaxxed colleagues, it is something to think about.
There is (for me) no way to know what exactly is being shedded, just that it does invoke an antibody response - inflammation, which, in itself, is not a good thing.
Now we are talking #uninformed not #consent and #crimesAgainst unconsenting #humanity.
How long are these being shedded?
How intensive has the contact be to be shedded on?
Thanks for reading.
adding this: “Exosomal vaccines containing the S protein of the SARS coronavirus induce high levels of neutralizing antibodies”
and this for further thinking