Just for a moment, let us consider a multi-national state, in which there is a minority
- whose population has risen from 278.000 to almost 2.400.000 in the last ~100 years (in Gaza only) but is always pulling the victim card
- whose unemployment rate is up to 42%
- where 80% vote for a political party which is considered a terror group in most of the other world
- who is openly calling for death of the other minorities
- whose lives are being financed by tax money from abroad since at least 30 years
- whose electricity is being financed by the other minorities
- who demolished their own water piping to build rockets
- who teach their children to hate and are proud of them dying as martyrs
- who have enough men having no problem going on a killing spree on civilians and tourists
- who are not welcome in any other neighboring country
- who is feeding you false propaganda and once again, pulling the victim card
- whose leaders are orchestrating this from abroad
- financed by YOUR money
It is not all of them and the situation is not ideal on both sides.
Many of them joined the dominant population of their country and have seen through the propaganda they have been fed with the mother milk.
So this minority are #Palestinians.
There are no easy solutions and I am not calling for violence.
I am calling for you to consider WHAT you are financing and WHOSE flag you are embracing.
Perhaps it's not the poor misled people of Gaza.
Perhaps it's their leaders sitting in their Qatar villas.
Before you good people donate to any GoFundMe, displaying a crying pregnant woman wanting you to finance her "escape to Egypt" and 3.000$ a month for a rent, just take a look and you will find a nice enough apartment in Egypt's capital is only some 1/3 of that.
You will find there are images of her on other social media with at least 2 different men being presented as the loving husband. You have no idea where the donations are actually going to.
Just perhaps, before giving over to pity and emotions, take a rational look at the arguments of the other side.
Including the Palestinians and their families who joined the Beduins, Christians, Agnostics and all kinds of secular and orthodox Jews and are trying to leave this legacy behind.
https://besacenter.org/cutting-the-electricity-supply-to-gaza-consequences-and-implications/… https://worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/…
https://consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/eu-humanitarian-support-to-palestinians/… https://state.gov/united-states-announces-additional-humanitarian-assistance-to-palestinian-civilians-in-gaza-and-the-region/#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20will%20provide,over%20the%20past%20eight%20months….